Learn Why Your Skin Looks So Tired And What You Can Do About It

Did you recently pull an “all nighter” for work or school? Do you have sleep apnea or are you prone to waking up several times throughout the night?
Whether it is just a temporary thing or ongoing, if you are suffering from lack of sleep there is a good chance that it will show on your skin—and especially on your face.
Luckily, there are fast, easy ways you can help your skin look and feel refreshed while you get to work on getting a good night’s sleep!
How To Tell If Your Skin is Tired
If you are finding yourself dragging through the day, odds are so is your skin. Skin can especially show the effects when lack of quality sleep is ongoing. Here are a few telltale signs that your skin may be hinting for more rest:
- You have bags under your eyes.
- The skin around your eyes is puffy.
- You have fine wrinkles (or more pronounced fine wrinkles) around your eyes and in general.
- You are more prone to breakouts, acne, rashes, and skin infections.
- Your skin just looks lackluster, sallow, or “dull.”
Interestingly, it’s not just you who will notice that tired look on your face. Apparently, others can also pick up on it. A 2017 Swedish investigation found that those who had restricted sleep for just two days appeared less attractive and also less trustworthy to others. (1)
A Note About “Beauty Sleep”
The fact is that, just like other organs in the body, your skin needs overnight hours in order to regenerate and recover. There is a reason why they call it “beauty sleep” after all!
During this time, the body is not encountering added stressors such as excess sunlight, toxins in the air, and other assaults that it may encounter during the course of a busy day. While we sleep, our skin has time to rejuvenate as it gets rid of dead skin cells and creates new ones to rebuild collagen and other needed substances. When the skin does not have enough time to do all this, it can often leave it more sensitive and prone to outbreaks, rashes, and irritation.
Of course, The absolute best way to fix that “I-just-need-to-get-some-sleep” look is to actually get some sleep. Yes, I know. This statement is so obvious it is almost a crime to mention it. But before you walk away from this article in frustration, just hear me out!
If all you did was stay up late binge-watching your favorite show as a one-off event, no worries. Just be sure to get a little extra shut eye the next evening and you should be golden.
If, however, you are one of the 50 to 70 million Americans who have a recognized sleep disorder (according to the American Sleep Apnea Association), then the recommendation for more sleep is definitely easier said than done. (2)
Consider these very common causes of sleep related issues that affect millions of people each year:
- Too much caffeine
- Too much sugar
- Too much alcohol
- Hormone imbalance
- Emotional stress, anxiety, and PTSD
- Certain medications
- Certain conditions, such as respiratory infections, allergies, and nocturia (nocturia is also known as “frequent urination” and is often related to hormonal imbalance) (3)
- Certain sleep-related conditions, such as teeth grinding, sleep apnea, or restless leg syndrome
- Chronic pain
- Being overweight (4)
If any of the above sound familiar to you , I strongly encourage you to get back on track regarding your sleep priority number one. Yes, sleep is that important! In fact, it is one of the three “must have” factors (besides adequate nutrition and movement) that are absolutely essential for good health. Getting to the root cause of sleep disturbances is worth it for your good health and the vibrancy of your skin no matter what your age. (5)
Four Ways to WAKE UP Tired Skin
To reiterate, getting back on track with sleep is definitely the best thing you can do to get rid of the bags under your eyes and those extra wrinkles. At the same time, there are ways to revive tired skin naturally by being proactive and providing your skin with the nutrients, moisture, and healing it may be lacking. This is where the natural, wild-crafted substances within CHARLíS Luxury Skincare can really shine!
#1 Don’t hide tired-looking skin behind extra make-up.
I know it can be tempting to cover up that pale, tired complexion with extra foundation, concealer, or so-called blemish removing products. You may be able to get away with it for a little while. In the long run, however, doing so may cause more harm to your skin.
Slathering on more substances, especially with the face, will cover up pores which were designed to help the skin breathe. It will also give an already worn-out system even more chemicals to clean up. Remember that we are what we eat, and this means what we “ingest” through the skin. A recent study published in the journal of the American Public Health Association found that the skin may absorb up to 60 percent of the toxins with which it comes in contact. (6)
Speaking about the hazards of commercial cosmetics, also consider that there are very few laws out there to stop potentially harmful ingredients from making their way into your favorite cosmetics. This means that that extra concealer you are considering using could contain chemicals such as formaldehyde, triclosan, heavy metals, parabens, and phthalates. Long term side effects of these chemicals include neurological issues, hormonal imbalance, and cancer. In addition, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently issued warnings regarding certain cosmetics that were found to contain asbestos. (7)
#2 Give your face a good cleaning.
Instead of covering skin up, why not let it breathe? By giving it a little extra cleansing, you are removing the dead skin cells that would have been eliminated while you were sleeping and allowing skin to take in needed oxygen.
In addition, the connection between lack of quality sleep and higher systemic inflammation is pretty clear. Of course, this means inflammatory conditions on the skin as well. CHARLíS Daily Facial Cleanser contains 100% non-GMO, organic, and wild-harvested substances such as aloe vera and Canadian willowherb that were designed by nature to lower inflammation on the surface of the skin as well as soothe, relieve and help repair in the deeper layers as well.
At the same time, CHARLíS Breath of Life Oxygen Face Serum contains several unique ingredients to help infused the skin with energizing and life-affirming oxygen. First, there is perfluorodecalin, a fluorocarbon and derivative of decalin that acts similar to red blood cells in that it both delivers oxygen to healthy cells as well as helps to maintain oxygen balance. Breath of Life also contains apple stem cells, which have been proven to uplift and renew tired skin while protecting it against agents of stress (such as lack of sleep).
#3 Add extra moisture.
Ever wonder why lack of sleep shows up so glaringly on your face in the form of dark circles under your eyes and wrinkles that look like the Grand Canyon? The answer is dehydration. On those days when the night before you just didn’t get as much sleep as you wanted (or needed), make sure to give your skin the added moisture it needs.
When it comes to rehydrating, CHARLíS Daily Revitalizing Moisturizer is a product like no other. Creamy, smooth, and silky with a fresh citrus scent that is appealing to both men and women, Daily Revitalizing Moisturizer contains a trifecta of rich, healing oils in the form of all-organic safflower seed oil, argan oil, and heobroma grandiflorum seed butters. I recommend extra applications throughout the day and whenever you need it for those days when lack of sleep has left your skin dry and/or sallow looking.
#4 Inoculate yourself with “heavy hitting” skin-healers for overnight relief.
When the day is finally done and you are about to lay your head on your pillow again for (finally!) a good night’s sleep, be sure to give your skin that extra support in the form of CHARLíS Restorative Anti-Aging Overnight Serum. The name pretty much speaks for itself here. Amongst the many ingredients that work synergistically to restore and renew tired, worn-out skin overnight is sodium hyaluronate. This substance was made specifically to repair and replenish dry skin by repairing compromised moisture barriers.
CHARLíS Luxury Skincare: For Tired Days, For Lively Days, For Every Day!
Remember—the absolute best remedy for tired skin is a good night’s sleep! And whether you wake up “bright eyed and bushy tailed” or the night before has left you feeling not quite yourself, you can always rely on CHARLíS Luxury Skincare to help your skin stay fresh and lively naturally every day!
(1) Negative effects of restricted sleep on facial appearance and social appeal
(2) The State of Sleep Health in America
(3) Nocturia
(4) Association between sleep disorders, obesity, and exercise: a review
(5) How Much Sleep Is Enoug
(6) The role of skin absorption as a route of exposure for volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in drinking water.
(7) FDA Advises Consumers to Stop Using Certain Cosmetic Products
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