
Dry Skin Fix 101: Here’s What You Need to Know

Dry Skin Fix 101: Here’s What You Need to Know

As those sun-bleached summer days turn to wind-swept fall ones, you may be feeling like you need relief now more than ever from dry, flaky skin. Here’s what you need to know to “dump the dryness” and experience smooth, supple skin this season and all year long!

The Source of Dry Skin

First let’s take a look at what happens when the skin is dry. Our skin is made of many different layers. The outer layer is called the epidermis. And the outermost part of that layer is called the stratum corneum. 

The stratum corneum is made up, for the most part, of oils and dead skin cells. The oil cements the dead skin cells together to create a strong film of protection for the living cells that exist just underneath the surface. This helps the whole skin organ hold in moisture and is also a protective sheath against environmental assaults.

When a person has soft, supple, smooth skin, this is an indication that the stratum corneum is fully intact and doing its job. However, if there are any stressors or imbalances, then this is going to jeopardize the integrity of this important layer of the epidermis in particular.

Want Chronically Dry Skin? Start Smoking!

So, what are some common reasons why you may have dry skin?

Let’s start with the obvious. If you are a smoker, regardless of your age, there is a good chance that you are going to experience poor collagen production and synthesis, as well as chemical overload system-wide, including in the skin. This is going to translate into all kinds of skin-related conditions and one of the most common is dry, flaky skin. A study conducted at the University of Oulu in Finland discovered a direct link between cigarette smoking and lower collagen synthesis. (1)

In addition, specific chemicals within cigarettes can interfere with vitamin C absorption and utilization. The stratum corneum relies on the production of new skin cells so that old ones can be consistently pushed to the surface. Guess what vitamin is the most important for the production and synthesis of healthy skin? You guessed it--- vitamin C! (2)

Dry Skin Relief – Diet Plays a Huge Role

One of the most important dietary recommendations natural health experts offer is to drink enough fresh, filtered water every day. When you are chronically dehydrated, it will be your skin that will show it first. This is because the body sends the water that we intake to the vital internal organs first. Whatever is left then goes to other parts of the body, including the skin. (3)

Water intake is just one dietary factor that can either cause or help to alleviate dry skin. Another one is healthy fat intake. There was a time when fat-free products reigned. Now, we are a lot wiser as to the very real benefits of healthy fats. Nowhere is this more relevant than in your skin.

Did you know that, according to the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD), by age 60 most of us will have already developed some form of dry skin condition? Two things commonly happen as we get older to make this happen. First, the epidermis layer of the skin gets thinner, causing less water retention. Secondly, our skin gradually loses its lipid regeneration ability. Remember the stratum corneum? It is the presence of oils (i.e., lipids) in addition to dead skin cells that keeps skin both protected and able to retain water on the very surface too. (4)

You can do your skin a world of good as you age by making sure that you are getting enough healthy fats in your diet. Any food source that contains omega 3 fatty acids, such as salmon and olive oil, are especially crucial for skin health. (5)

Other skin-healthy diet behaviors include:

  • cutting excessive alcohol and caffeine.
  • laying low on super-sweet, processed foods, especially if they contained refined sugar or high fructose corn syrup. (6)
  • Eating foods that are high in vitamins and minerals (especially D, B folate, healthy forms of A, zinc, and iron). These may include bright warm-colored veggies such as carrots and red bell peppers as well as dark leafy greens, spices like turmeric, and protein sources such as eggs and fish. (7)
  • Add probiotics to your diet. A Canadian study recently discovered that there is a link between gut imbalance and skin-related disorders. (8)

Other Causes of Dry Skin

There are literally dozens of other reasons why you may be experiencing dry, flaky, blotchy, dehydrated skin. Some are:

  • Weather exposure, especially excessive hot and dry or cold and dry,
  • Chronic stress (9)
  • Not getting enough sleep (10)
  • Using certain medications, such chemo drugs for cancer and statin heart medications,
  • Having skin-related and non-skin related disease conditions. Some include psoriasis and dermatitis, but also kidney disease, diabetes, HIV, anorexia, and thyroid-related conditions. (11)
  • Using certain commercial skin and face products, which may contain harsh, drying ingredients

What You Can Do About Dry Skin (and How CHARLíS Can Help)

Thank goodness there is a solution!

First of all, take a really good look at the list above. If any of the scenarios or situations listed above applies to you, then it may be time to make some changes. In addition, be kind to your skin by utilizing the gifts of nature’s plants and herbs to soothe, moisturize, and heal rough, dry, flaky skin now.

Amazing moisturizing ingredients can be found in every product in the CHARLIS Luxury Skincare Line. However, our signature CHARLíS Breath of Life Oxygen Face Serum is a step above the rest when it comes to its moisture-locking and hydrating properties. 

First there is squalene. This is an oily compound found naturally in animals (including humans) as well as plants. It has been proven to be a strong antioxidant and can not only moisturize the skin but also aid in cellular respiration and oxygenation within the microcirculatory system. (12) The microcirculatory system is an intricate network of microscopic pathways-- including venules, capillaries, shunt, and arterioles-- through which blood can flow. It is especially important for maintaining blood flow and oxygenation through the tissues and is vital for wound healing and skin rejuvenation. (13)

Another amazing plant-based substance found in the CHARLíS Breath of Life Oxygen Face Serum is called calendula, i.e. marigold. If you think that this colorful flower is just for prettying up your garden, think again! Calendula Officinalis flower extract has been used for generations for its phytonutrient properties. It can deeply hydrate the skin as well as prevent signs of aging. Studies have shown that calendula also has the ability to reduce dryness and other symptoms connected to common skin-related conditions, including eczema and psoriasis. According to a 2012 Brazilian study as well as many others, this is due in large part to marigold’s ability to lower inflammation. (14) 

Soothe and replenish with CHARLíS Skincare & Body Care Products

Of course, squalene and calendula are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to all the skin-revitalizing, organic, wild-harvested, and non-GMO plant-based substances that are in the CHARLíS Luxury Skincare line products. Other hydrating ingredients include:

  • Aloe vera. Aloe Barbadensis leaf has been used for centuries for everything from sunburns to rashes. It’s versatility for helping with dry, irritated skin is why it is found in almost all of the CHARLíS Skincare products. (15) 
  • Pea Extract, or Pisum sativum extract. Pea extract contains certain peptides that have the ability to stimulate both elastin and collagen production. This increases hydration and heightens moisture retention which also improves firmness and elasticity (and makes you look great!). Pisum sativum is a superstar ingredient in the CHARLÍS Revitalizing Daily Moisturizer.
  • Allantoin, derived from the comfrey plant, is designed to sooth even the roughest skin. It can even be a healing balm for itchy skin and minor irritations. Allantoin is found in the CHARLíS Neutral Tinted Face Moisturizer with SPF25, which is part of the exciting new CHARLíS Body Collection!

Take care of your body to heal dry skin. Create ways of reminding yourself to drink water throughout the day (p.s. they actually have phone apps for this now). Make gradual yet significant changes to your diet so that it is more skin-friendly. And if you have an underlying health condition like cancer or diabetes, make creating internal health your top priority. If you do, it will show on the surface through beautiful, supple-looking skin.

And at the same time that you are healing on the inside, you can also help your skin now by taking advantage of the miraculous moisturizing power of nature’s amazing plants and herbs found in all CHARLíS Luxury Skincare and CHARLíS Body Collection products!


(1) Smoking affects collagen synthesis and extracellular matrix turnover in human skin 
(2) The influence of smoking on vitamin C status in adults. The Roles of Vitamin C in Skin Health
(3) Dietary water affects human skin hydration and biomechanics
(4) American Academy of Dermatology (AAD)
(5) Cosmetic and Therapeutic Applications of Fish Oil’s Fatty Acids on the Skin
(6) Low to moderate sugar-sweetened beverage consumption impairs glucose and lipid metabolism and promotes inflammation in healthy young men: a randomized controlled trial
(7) Folate content and composition of vegetables commonly consumed in China Turmeric for Skin: Benefits and Risks
(8) How Does Your Gut Health Affect Your Skin?
(9) Collagen stimulated release of serotonin by human platelets includes a sulphate conjugated component
(10) The Effects of Glycine on Subjective Daytime Performance in Partially Sleep-Restricted Healthy Volunteers
(12) Biological and Pharmacological Activities of Squalene and Related Compounds: Potential Uses in Cosmetic Dermatology
(13) Microcirculation
(14) Wound Healing and Anti-Inflammatory Effect in Animal Models of Calendula officinalis L. Growing in Brazil


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