What to Look for in ToxicFree® Skincare
Here's what you absolutely need to look for when seeking out a skincare product that works for you.

If you’re like me, you have probably spent a lot of time researching what not to put on your skin. But what about the things you can look for that go into a skincare line that fits your healthy lifestyle?
In this article, I will go into what you absolutely need to look for when seeking out a skincare product that works for you. Whether it’s a Charlís product or another brand, paying attention to these 8 elements will help you find that just-right product that will stand the test of time.
1 | ToxicFree® Only!
According to a recent study sponsored by GroupOn, the average American woman spends a little over $300 per month on beauty products. Within her shopping bag could be dozens of products representing everything from makeup to hairspray to facial moisturizer. And if that woman is not consciously shopping with safety in mind, those creams, lotions, and sprays may come with some pretty hazardous side effects for her health.
But that is not the scariest part. What’s more concerning is that once that woman becomes aware of the dangers of toxins and begins to investigate healthier options for herself, there is a good chance she is going to get bamboozled into purchasing products that, while they may look more “natural” on the outside, are just as much of a toxic soup as the stuff she bought before.
How can this be? For an in-depth report on how companies can get away with false claims when it comes to toxins, be sure to check out this article. The long and short of it, however, is that most products that contain labels such as “all natural,” “non-toxic,” or “dermatologist approved” may still contain a large number of xenoestrogenic chemicals, carcinogens, or synthetically derived fragrances.
The only way to absolutely know for sure that you are getting a skincare product that is 100% free from any and all harmful chemical agents is to look for the ToxinFree® label, such as the one that is on all Charlís skincare products.
ToxicFree® means that it has been independently lab tested to be toxin free, through and through!
2 | Organic Ingredients
The next litmus test for safe, clean skin care is to look for a USDA Certified Organic label or other demarcation on the product and/or product ingredients that indicates organic ingredients. This is especially important for the first two or three main ingredients since these are the substances that the product may contain the most of. And as a side note, if your product does not have a list of ingredients at all, you may want to reconsider using that product!
The USDA Organic demarcation means that that product or ingredient has been certified to be at least 95% organic by the United States Department of Agriculture.
3 | Wild Harvested
Another important characteristic of high quality, natural skin care products is that they are created using wild harvested ingredients. What exactly does this mean?
Specifically, it means that the plant or herb being used has been collected from a region that is untouched by humans (think of the diversity of a mountain forest versus rows and rows of the same type of plant). Wild harvested plants and herbs are typically gathered in much the same way that our ancestors did, one at a time by hand or via rudimentary picking tools.
Wild harvested ingredients are also not sprayed with chemicals or genetically modified. They are also heartier than their farm-grown cousins since they must rely on the biodiversity of their local environment for their survival. This includes nearby plants, animals, and microorganisms as well as temperature changes.
Wild harvested ingredients have become increasingly popular in skincare. This is because the stress and strain that these plants have to go through in their natural environment often make them much more potent as well.
4 | For Sensitive Skin- No Irritants
If you have a skin-related condition such as psoriasis, eczema, rosacea, acne, actinic keratosis, or allergy, or if you simply have sensitive skin for another reason, the very best thing you can do is to first and foremost, choose skincare products that are as chemically clean as possible (see the first section on ToxicFree®).
That being said, symptoms such as rash, itchiness, burning, dryness, or even blistering can sometimes still occur in individuals using the most natural of products, especially after long term use. The reason why is that your body is reacting to something within the product that most people would not react to.
Although the specific irritant may be different for each person, some typical second-level irritants may include:
- dairy substances (such as whey, goat milk, butter, etc.)
- gluten substances
- natural fragrances, such as some essential oils
- some high-potency antioxidants, such as certain forms of vitamin C
Ultimately, if you are highly sensitive, you may have to discover for yourself via trial and error which products you can benefit most from without causing you side effects. That being said, choosing products that are 100% vegan, gluten free, dairy free, and even fragrance free is a great start!
Many experts also recommend choosing only products that say “hypo-allergenic” on the label as well. This is good advice, as long as you completely trust that label and that brand. As we discovered in the first section, a manufacturer may claim that their product is “hypoallergenic” when in reality it is not.
5 | Clean Manufacturing
The next thing to consider is how a product is manufactured. After all, a company may claim to use “all natural” ingredients, but how they go about putting those ingredients together and taking them to market can be a whole other matter altogether. Skincare products that use clean manufacturing processes put their product together in a sanitary, dedicated manufacturing facility. They live up to what they say on their label and strive to use the safest processing practices. Most importantly, they do not add additional harmful chemicals or toxins to their products during manufacturing.
The very best quality skincare companies go a step further and take just as much care into what they put their products in as what goes into their products. I’m proud to say that I have not seen a skincare company that compares to Charlís when it comes to safe manufacturing and product storage practices. If you have already experienced any of the products in the Charlís line, then you know that our products come in elegant glass containers. What you may not know is that these are Italian glass bottles specifically designed to maintain the integrity of the ingredients inside of them. Whereas creams, lotions, and sprays stored in plastic tend to degrade with time (and can even become contaminated by the chemicals such as BPA inside the plastic), our products stand the test of time and will be just as fresh and chemical-free six months from now as they are today.
6 | Keep It “Made in the USA”
And speaking of manufacturing, when at all possible, choose products that are made right here in the USA. Not only is this a safer choice (less distance to ship means less chance of irradiation, spoilage, and leakage), but also choosing “American Made” whenever possible keeps Americans employed and American communities thriving. It also ensures that the skincare product you have just purchased was not manufactured using child labor.
If you already look for “Made in the USA” products, you are not alone. A recent Consumer Reports survey found that 78 percent of Americans would rather buy a product made in the USA than one made outside of the country. All of Charlís products are manufactured right here in the good old US of A!
7 | Ethically Sound
Finally, make sure that the brand you choose is created using the most ethical choices and practices possible, including following sustainability guidelines for the region of harvesting and/or manufacturing and that the product does not test on animals.
Remember that sometimes you may have to do your own research when it comes to the ethical (or lack thereof) practices of the brands you choose. This information should be easy to find, either via reviews online (Consumer Reports or the Environmental Working Group’s SkinDeep Database are both great resources) or by going directly to the product’s website. If you are finding it difficult to find information on a skincare company regarding their ethical practices (or any other category of information for that matter), my advice is to, again, consider whether or not using that product is the best choice for you, your health, and the health of the planet.
8 | Elegance and Beauty
Finally, we have gotten to my favorite part! After all, creating a skincare line that offers women like you safe, clean, super effective products that are also beautiful to the eye was my primary objective in starting Charlís.
I have always felt that elegance and luxury were important traits for any beauty product. That was why I was so disappointed when I first went on my own journey to find more healthy choices. Yes, these products were safe and some of them were very effective. Truth be told, however, the look and feel of them just didn’t get me too excited to use them day after day.
In creating the one-of-a-kind products that make up the Charlís skincare line, I wanted you to feel just as beautiful holding that Italian glass bottle in your hand as you do when you eventually open that bottle and use its contents on your face and skin.
From the feedback I have received so far from hundreds of women all over the world, I think the team here at Charlie has indeed accomplished that mission. I invite you to feel the Charlís difference as well today. It really is luxury skincare for real women…because YOU are so worth it!