When a person hears the word “acne,” images of ruddy teenagers may come to mind. The fact is, however, that acne is a skin condition that anyone at any age can experience. More importantly, it is often an indication of deeper imbalances within the body as a whole.

If acne is affecting you or someone you love, know that there is a solution. Keep reading to find out more!

Acne 101

“Acne,” or acne vulgaris, is defined as a “long-term skin condition that occurs when dead skin cells and oil from the skin clog hair follicles.” (1)

There are many different kinds of acne but in general the condition can manifest on the skin surface as whiteheads, blackheads, oily skin, blistery blemishes, and even scarring. It primarily affects the face, upper chest, and back since these are the areas of the body that have the most oil glands.

Most people (about 95%, according to some studies) will experience acne “outbreaks” in some form during their adolescent years. According to numbers put out by the American Academy of Dermatology, of the more than 5 million people who sought out conventional medical treatment for acne in 2013, most were children and young adults. (2)

But the acne of today is no longer simply a condition of the young. Incidents of long-term acne amongst adults, especially women, have been climbing significantly in recent years. Currently 15% of American adult women suffer from recurring acne outbreaks. (3) Unfortunately, acne comes with psychological implications as well. Low self-esteem, lack of confidence, depression, and suicidal ideation can be higher in people with severe and long-lasting acne regardless of age. (4)

According to 2015 statistics, there are over 600 million people worldwide who have acne, making it the 8th most common “disease” on the planet. (5) But is acne really a disease in the true definition of the word? According to conventional medicine, it is. What’s more, if you were to seek out the help of your regular physician for your acne outbreaks, he or she would probably tell you that it is genetic and then write you a prescription for either a topical or oral pharmaceutical as the solution. Typical topical medications for acne are azelaic acid, benzoyl peroxide, and salicylic acid. Oral medications are usually retinoids and/or antibiotics. Birth control pills may even be suggested since one of the (seemingly beneficial) side effects of “the pill” is what it can do to calm acne outbreaks. (6) 

While pharmaceutical interventions may be necessary to circumvent acne complications in some cases, for most people drug-based “solutions” tend to do more harm than good. For example, a 2013 clinical trial published in the International Journal of Dermatology found that a typical side effect of the commonly prescribed retinoid isotretinoin is lower serum vitamin E levels. (7) Vitamin E is an antioxidant nutrient that is absolutely necessary for skin health. (8)

4 Ways to Heal Acne for Good

Are there ways to heal acne besides harsh pharmaceuticals? You bet! And the key is to look at the “root causes” of the condition. These causes usually have something to do with:

  • Oxidative damage
  • Hormone imbalance
  • Poor nutrition.

One or all of these root causes will set the stage for inflammation and out of control pathogenic microorganisms to flourish on the skin surface. Healing these underlying conditions often has little to do with genetics and everything to do with lifestyle changes to remove triggers that can spark breakouts. (9)

#1 Cut back on sugar

One of the best things you can do to clear up acne for good when it comes to diet is to cut out (or severely reduce) sources of processed, refined sugar. Not only can too much of the sweet stuff increase inflammation, but sugar also spikes insulin levels, which can then throw hormones off in general. This is significant because when hormones like estradiol or testosterone are out of balance, the skin will overproduce sebum on the skin surface. This, in turn, can lead to clogged pores and the “ideal environment” for unhealthy bacteria such as P. Acnes to thrive. Other foods that can instigate the above scenario to spark acne outbreaks include dairy products, sources of simple carbs like bread and pasta, and alcoholic beverages. (10)

#2 Balance your hormones

Like I just mentioned, a big cause for acne outbreaks is hormonal imbalance. Of course, wacky hormones can happen for all sorts of reasons, not just because of poor diet. Some natural causes for hormonal imbalance are the onset of puberty as well as menopause in women. Being exposed to too many toxins not only in food but also in commercial sundry and household products can lead to a buildup of xenoestrogens in the body, which can through hormones off too. Xenoestrogens mimic aggressive estrogens and too many of them in the body can spark can not acne outbreaks but also raise your risks for reproductive system cancers.

Whatever the cause, if you suspect that your acne outbreaks have something to do with your hormones, the first ideal step is to check your levels. (11) Once you know what is off and how much, put a plan in place to return them to healthy balance through nutritional changes, natural healing substances, or bioidentical hormone replacement if necessary.

#3 Heal your gut

Did you know that when you eat to improve your gut health, you are also helping to heal and prevent acne too? This is because poor gut health is often linked to poor detoxification and both of these weakened states can result in too many toxins in your GI tract. Breakouts happen as your body tries to find a way to remove these toxins from your body — and it will even try to do this through your skin!

Hormonal imbalance is also connected to gut health. Other gut-related issues that can lead to acne are being constipated, an imbalance in good and bad bacteria in the gut, and a condition called “Leaky Gut,” or “Intestinal Permeability.” (12) A study recently published in the journal Dermatological Therapy found that supplementing with a high quality, robust probiotic can directly contribute to clearing up acne. (13)

#4 Step into true healing with natural substances

Remember when I initially talked about the root causes of acne, and I mentioned “oxidative damage?” What exactly does this mean?

Simply put, oxidative damage is harm that is created in the body when there are too many stressors and not enough of the body’s mechanisms to deal with them. (14) Righting that balance by both removing the stressors and boosting the body’s defense systems against them really is the “sweet spot” where skin related conditions like acne can truly heal. An absolutely vital part of the equation is finding the right kinds of natural substances that will support this healing.

Of course, this is where the ingredients within key CHARLíS formulas can give you the support that your skin needs. If you have been using harsh astringents and other commercial products to “scrub away” that acne, do yourself a favor and throw them away right now. While commercial products may contain harsh chemicals like petroleum, which has been shown to aggravate acne-prone skin, the substances with CHARLíS luxury skincare formulas were intentionally included for their ability to work gently with the body for protection and healing at the root. (15)

One of the most effective CHARLíS products is our signature Revitalizing Daily Moisturizer. This one-of-a-kind moisturizer contains argan oil, which is the go-to natural substance when it comes to gently yet effectively clearing up acne. Argan is high in both omega 6 (linoleic acid) and omega 9 (oleic acid) fatty acids. A 2019 Polish study found that acne-prone skin is often deficient in omega 6 fatty acids in particular. (16) Argan oil also contains high amount of both vitamins A and E, which are strong antioxidants for skin protection. The argan oil used in all CHARLIS products is sustainably produced and 100% organic and GMO free.

The other substance that the CHARLÍS Revitalizing Daily Moisturizer contains is grapefruit peel extract. Grapefruit is a natural astringent and antimicrobial. Grapefruit also contains alpha hydroxy acids, or “AHAs,” which can help with cell renewal. When used within the CHARLÍS Revitalizing Daily Moisturizer, grapefruit peel extract is gentle enough for even the most sensitive skin types.

Get to the “Root Cause” of Acne and Experience Blemish-Free Skin with CHARLíS!

In this article, I hope I have convinced you that the only true way to heal and prevent acne is to “get to the root” of why it is happening in the first place. Oxidative stress, inflammation, poor gut health, and lack of the right kinds of nutrients can affect you on the inside and may also be the foundational reasons why long-term acne is plaguing you right now.

Begin to heal on the inside, utilize skin healing substances like the CHARLÍS Revitalizing Daily Moisturizer on the outside, and experience what a difference it can make in clearing up acne for good!


(1) Emerging drugs for the treatment of acne
(4) Quality of life among schoolchildren with acne: results of a cross-sectional study
(5) Global, regional, and national incidence, prevalence, and years lived with disability for 310 diseases and injuries, 1990-2015: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015
(6) Treatment-Acne
(7) Effects of isotretinoin on serum vitamin E levels in patients with acne
(8) Vitamin E and Skin Health.
(9) Lifestyle habits and impact of the Mediterranean diet on facial acne severity in French women: a case-control study
(10) Effects of Diet on Acne and Its Response to Treatment
(11)  Sex hormones and acne
(12) The increasing importance of the gut microbiome in acne vulgaris
(13) The potential of probiotics for treating acne vulgaris: A review of literature on acne and microbiota
(14) Psychological stress perturbs epidermal permeability barrier homeostasis: implications for the pathogenesis of stress-associated skin disorders
(15) Toxicologic studies of petrolatum in mice and rats
(16) The Properties and Application of Argan Oil in Cosmetology

In part one of this two-part series, we took a look at three “sweet treat” whole foods that are also amazing healing substances for the skin. If you haven’t checked that out, be sure to do that HERE. In this next article, we stir the pot on three “savory sensations,” whole foods sources that are not only deeply healing for the whole body, but the superfood natural substances within them are game changers when it comes to upgrading your skin health too.

So, let’s get started! Bon Appetit!

#1 Bone Broth

Bone broth is the liquid that is produced after bones and marrow (usually of chicken, beef, or fish) are boiled for a long period of time, usually 24 hours or more. People have been consuming bone broth for literally thousands of years, and there are some really good reasons why.

Bone broth contains specific amino acids that can be significantly beneficial for the whole body. Bone broth boosts the immune system, can lower inflammation, helps to purify the liver, and heal the gut. (1)

A big reason why bone broth is such a superfood is because of collagen. Bone broth is a major source of this particular protein and this is good news for your skin since alone is probably the most important substance overall for skin rejuvenation. It is the primary substance that makes up tissue in your body, including the dermis and epidermis layers of the skin.

Sadly, research states that, on average, collagen stores can decline by as much as 2% every year after age 30. Yikes! That’s why we need to consume healthy whole foods like bone broth to replenish those stores naturally. You can utilize the power of all natural collagen-rich substances to improve skin appearance, lower inflammation in the skin, curb acne and outbreaks, and start to experience that youthful glow to your skin again.

Of course, no one is suggesting that you put bone broth on your face (gross)! Luckily, for topical use there are other “face-friendly” substances that contain collagen which can be just as potent as bone broth. Of course, one of the most important substances that can help to renew collagen stores naturally is vitamin C. All citrus contains vitamin C, including sweet orange, grapefruit, and bergamot. And at least one of these sources are available in most CHARLíS Luxury Face and Skin products.

Marigold, or calendula, is another plant that has been shown to help activate and even boost collagen production in the skin. Calendula can be found in the CHARLíS Breath of LIfe Serum. Calendula also contains vitamin E and phytonutrients called carotenoids which can both nourish and protect the natural balance of your skin.

#2 Mushrooms

Besides being buttery, hearty, and just plain yummy, mushrooms are another savory whole food that helps your body both inside and out. There are literally dozens of varieties of mushrooms out there that can benefit the body and its functions, including metabolism, gut health and overall balancing.

Remember that research has shown a direct connection between good interior health and beautiful, radiant skin! On the other hand, poor health can often be directly connected to outbreaks and acne on the skin surface. (2)  

Certain kinds of mushrooms can be especially helpful, again boosting collagen production and acting as anti-viral, infection-fighting, and anti-inflammatory agents as well. Shiitake, maitake, and turkey tail are all types of mushrooms that can calm inflammatory skin conditions since they contain heavy-hitting nutrients like essential fatty acids and vitamin D. (3)

Probably the most well-known mycelium for skin health, however, is tremella. In fact, tremella is often called the “beauty mushroom” for what it can do for the skin. This is why it has been included in beauty tonics, lotions, and formulas around the world for centuries. (4)

What makes tremella so special as a powerful anti-aging aid? Simply put, substances called polysaccharides. Polysaccharides can be described as “clumps” of specific kinds of sugar molecules. They are found in many whole foods, especially grains, tubers, and fungi. The particular kinds of polysaccharides in tremella are specifically designed, it seems, to help the skin. They (as well as other skin-benefiting natural substances found in these mushrooms) create an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, and extremely hydrating powerhouse for the skin and the whole body. Some substances within tremella may even have the ability to stop cancer growth. (5)

Skin-saving polysaccharides are not just found in mushrooms like tremella, however. As I mentioned, they can also be found in whole grains as well. A powerful type of polysaccharides found in both mushrooms and oat grains is beta glucans. Oat-derived beta glucans are the “real deal” when it comes to whole body health, and especially skin health. They are a known immune system booster. They also have the ability to modulate and lower key hormonal reactions related to stress. (6)

 Studies have shown that beta glucans can also help reduce scarring on the skin directly and have the ability to clear up the fine lines and wrinkles associated with aging skin. (7)

 Oat-based beta glucans can be found in the CHARLíS Daily Facial Cleanser which is part of the CHARLíS Face Care Collection.

#3 Aloe Vera

Finally, we can’t forget one the most common yet one of the most healing plants – aloe vera. Aloe vera is known most for all the amazing things it can do for the skin (and we will get to all that goodness in a minute). What many people don’t know is what aloe vera can do on the inside as well. Again, health on the inside means healthy skin too!

You can drink organic, non-GMO aloe vera as a juice added to smoothies or just mixed in water. Consumed in this way, the most noticeable benefit is going to be for gut health. Research shows that aloe vera can provide relief and actual healing for some of the most discomforting and potentially serious gastrointestinal issues, including GERD (gastroesophageal reflux), IBS (irritable bowel syndrome), and severe constipation. In fact, aloe vera works so well to seal and heal the gut as well as promote elimination that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) at one time promoted its use in FDA-approved aloe vera-based laxatives. (8)

When taken internally, aloe can also stabilize the metabolism, which can be a boon for diabetics and those with pre-diabetes.

Now let’s get to what aloe vera can do for the skin. As it turns out, consuming it internally can help you on the outside too. A 2015 Japanese investigation published in the journal Clinical, Cosmetic, and Investigational Dermatology found that consuming aloe vera increased collagen levels while it decreased the amount and appearance of fine lines and wrinkles (in over-40 female study participants). (9)

Aloe’s ability to “seal, heal, and soothe” internally is exactly what it can do on the outside for the skin when used topically too. Aloe is a rich antioxidant, thanks to high polyphenol levels, and this protects the skin from internal free radicals and stressors in the environment. (10) Its anti-inflammatory properties are a benefit for people healing from wounds and burns as well as skin conditions like rash, dry skin, and andatopic dermatitis. (11)

Aloe’s unique properties help the skin retain moisture longer too, increasing elasticity and giving it that overall hydrated, healthy glow. All this and more is why aloe vera is a vital part of several CHARLíS luxury formulas, including one of our most popular and effective products, the CHARLíS Restorative Anti-Aging Overnight Serum.  

Choose Whole Foods That Are Good for You Inside and Out!

There are so many health-promoting foods out there, why not choose the ones that are going to give you the most “bang for your buck” and help you on the inside and out. In Part 1, we talked about all those “sweet treat” whole foods that are good for you on all levels, namely berries, apples, and citrus fruits – who said you can’t eat your dessert first?

In Part 2, we relished in all the “savory stuff,”  including bone broth (and other sources of collagen), mushrooms as well as oats with their beta glucan goodness, and, finally, tangy and refreshing aloe vera, which you can consume as a juice, apply topically as a gel, or benefit from when it is inside a high-quality skin formula, like those at CHARLíS!

When you stick with whole foods for your diet as well as for what you put on your skin, it really is a “recipe for success” that is going to offer you delicious goodness no matter how you serve it up!


(1) Broth is Beautiful
(2) Understanding innate immunity and inflammation in acne: implications for management 
(3) Extracts from Lentinula edodes (Shiitake) Edible Mushrooms Enriched with Vitamin D Exert an Anti-Inflammatory Hepatoprotective Effect 
(4)  7 Health Benefits of Tremella Mushrooms: The Ultimate Beauty Mushroom 
(5) Free radical scavenging of Ganoderma lucidum polysaccharides and its effect on antioxidant enzymes and immunity activities in cervical carcinoma rats 
(6) Anti-stress action of several orally-given β-glucans
(7) Skin Wound Healing Promoting Effect of Polysaccharides Extracts from Tremella fuciformis and Auricularia auricula on the ex-vivo Porcine Skin Wound Healing Model
(8) 5 Tips: What You Should Know About Popular Herbs  
(9) Effects of plant sterols derived from Aloe vera gel on human dermal fibroblasts in vitro and on skin condition in Japanese women.
(10) Aloe vera (L.) Webb.: Natural Sources of Antioxidants – A Review
(11) Aloin Suppresses Lipopolysaccharide-Induced Inflammatory Response and Apoptosis by Inhibiting the Activation of NF-κB   

At CHARLíS, we like to focus on the positive. And in this article, I am going to give you a rundown of five things that are absolutely, positively worse things you can do for your skin.

Do you want beautiful, healthy, vibrant, youthful-looking skin? Then don’t do this!

#1 Smoke Cigarettes Regularly

Hands down, the very worst thing you can do for your skin is to smoke cigarettes. Research to prove this has been around for years and the connection is definitive.

Investigations at the University of Oulu in Finland, as well as elsewhere, have found that cigarette smoking significantly inhibits ascorbic acid absorption. Ascorbic acid (i.e. vitamin C) is the key ingredient needed for collagen production. (1) In addition, smoking chronically deprives the body of other key substances needed for health and vitality. The most important of these is oxygen, the very essence of life itself. Across the board, regular cigarette smoking can lead to an increase in fine lines and wrinkles (especially around the eyes, lips, and forehead), bags under the eyes, increased blemishing, break outs, and rashes, sagging skin, and a higher risk for skin-related diseases, including skin cancer. (2)

#2 Be Stressed All the Time

If you are feeling stressed pretty much all of the time, then you may be suffering from “chronic stress.” The biochemical mechanisms of chronic stress, such as higher than normal cortisol production, can be brought about by many things, including emotional crises, unhealthy habits, or deep trauma from childhood. Research has shown that there is a direct connection between post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and ongoing biochemical stress responses in the body, including systemic inflammation, sleep disturbances, and low immunity. (3)

In addition, new research has discovered a direct connection between the nervous system (where “fight or flight” responses reside), the endocrine system, and the skin. The writers of a 2009 report published in the journal Dermato-Endocrinology describe the skin as an “endocrine organ,” i.e. one which “possesses the capacity to generate several hormones and substances with hormone-like activity.” (4) Imbalances within the HPA axis and its peripherals especially are often at play in skin-related disease, according to a 2012 review report written by researchers at the University of Northern Texas. (5)

Whatever the reason for it, chronic stress, if gone unchecked, can be the catalyst for skin ill health. Chronic stress can impair barrier function and inhibit blood circulation as well as accelerate skin aging. (6) (7) It can also lead to acne breakout and blemishing, more defined wrinkled, dry skin, and higher risk for skin-related disease. (8)

#3 Stay Out in the Sun Too Long

In past articles, I have explained the difference between “tough skin” and “rough (and dry)” skin. Tough skin means healthy skin, i.e. skin that has just the right amount of healthy collagen, vitamin C, hydration content, and other factors for protection against threats in the atmosphere, internal stressors that might be coming at it, and more. Getting “just the right amount of sun” exposure every day helps to create tough skin by encouraging the catalyzation of vitamin D. According to a fascinating report published in the November 2015 edition of The Journal of Advanced Research, “Vitamin D was primarily acknowledged for its importance in bone formation, however; increasing evidence point to its interference with the proper function of nearly every tissue in our bodies including brain, heart, muscles, immune system and skin.” (9)

However, too much sun exposure can have the opposite effect when it comes to skin, especially collagen levels. This news is nothing new. A Mt. Sinai School of Medicine investigation conducted over twenty years ago found that people with sun-damaged skin can have up to 20 % less collagen content when compared with those who do not have sun-damaged skin. (10)

#4 Eat a SAD Diet Day after Day

“SAD” stands for the “Standard American Diet”, and it is a sad (no pun intended) fact that many Americans actually eat this way—as well as suffer the consequences.

A SAD diet is one that consists, for the most part, of highly processed foods and foods that also tend to be high in unhealthy types of fat, refined sugar, simply carbohydrates, and sodium. Someone eating the “SAD” way also eats very little in the way of vegetables, fruits, legumes, whole grains, and healthy sources of protein (like lean meats or safe, organic plant-based proteins). (11)

Health experts often describe this way of eating as an “affliction” or a “condition” in and of itself, because the SAD inherently does not give the body all that it needs to fully function in a healthy way. Disease risk is much higher on the inside with the SAD diet, but SAD also does not satisfy our “outer nutrition” needs as well. (12) “Outer nutrition” is all that is required to keep our skin, hair, and nails healthy, according to skin experts. (13) Nutrients needed for adequate collagen synthesis, moisture retention, UV protection, and cellular repair are simply not there. This leads to premature aging, wrinkling, and a higher rate of breakouts. It can also lead to a higher risk of skin-related disease.

#5 Settle for Low Quality, Toxic Skincare Products (At All)

Finally, going with the “trend” and buying the next big thing in luxury skincare just because it comes in a shiny package (and the label may say it can work miracles) is another thing you absolutely do not want to do for beautiful skin.

Of the thousands of chemicals available for the “proprietary blends” that cosmetic manufacturers have access to, only a fraction have ever been tested for safety. Many more continue to be included in commercial formulas even in the face of mounting evidence of risk to health. Here are just a few:

  • Fragrance, a term commercial skincare and cosmetics manufacturers use to describe proprietary formulas. “Fragrance” can actually represent any number of the over 3,000 largely untested and potentially harmful chemicals currently available for use in these formulas. (14)
  • PEGs, or Polyethylene Glycol Polymers, are used as thickening agents and stabilizers as well as moisture retention enhancers in skincare products and cosmetics. Byproducts from PEGs include ethylene oxide, a highly carcinogenic substance connected to both lymphoma and leukemia.
  • Oxybenzone, a strong xenoestrogen that is often found in commercial sunscreens as well as cosmetics and skincare formulas.

Be sure to check out my two-part article series to learn more about the top MUST AVOID Toxic Substance in Skin Care you need to watch out for!

Do This Instead!

If all the above sounds like a real bummer, that’s because it is! Sometimes, however, it helps to have at least a little bit of knowledge about what not to do and why. That is why you can stay out of the “bummer zone” and make healthy choices in key areas that can directly affect your skin health.

For example:

  • Instead of smoking cigarettes, get support to kick the habit! In most regions, hospitals, health clinics, and even some community centers will have smoking cessation programs. Not sure where to turn? Reach out to “Quitline,” an online resource put out by the US Center for Disease Control. (15)
  • Instead of stressing out, learn easy tools to calm stress while at the same time finding support to heal deep-seated wounds that may be at the basis of ongoing stress-related imbalance. Some specific modalities include deep breathing, Emotional Freedom Technique, talk therapy and/or faith-based therapy, EMDR, and eating a mood-balancing diet.
  • Instead of staying out in the sun all day unprotected (or using harsh sunscreens that may do even more damage), make a plan before you go out in the sun. Schedule some time– experts say about 15-20 minutes is all you need– to expose as much of your skin to the sun as possible.

Then, if you must stay out longer, take healthy precautions. Wear a sun hat and loose, long sleeves. In addition, you can use healthy sunscreen options, such as CHARLíS Neutral Tinted Skin Moisturizer with SPF 25 sun protection. This one-of-a-kind formula includes Mugwort extract for natural vitamin C UV protection as well as allatoin (extracted from comfrey) designed by nature to soothe and moisturize the skin.

  • Instead of eating a SAD diet, turn your health, and the state of your skin, around by choosing an antioxidant-rich, colorful, whole foods diet. Include lots of vegetables and fruits that can supply much-needed nutrients like vitamin C and A. These foods also contain carotenoids which can help fight free radical damage and, according to some studies, directly improve the texture of the skin. (16) As part of a healthy skin diet, eating lean proteins that can provide your skin with healthy omega 3 fatty acids and drinking enough fresh, filtered water are absolute musts. 
  • Instead of choosing commercial skincare that may put your skin and your overall health at risk, rely on the deep healing and nourishing power of nature. Choose brands that use only lab-tested, 100% non-GMO, organic, wild-harvested ingredients.

Here at CHARLÍS, we believe that you do not need to give up luxury in order to work with nature for the health of your skin. At the same time, you don’t have to put your health at risk for the sake of luxury! We believe you can have both! Give CHARLÍS Luxury Skincare Products a try today – because you are SO worth it!


(1) Smoking decreases the synthesis rates of type I and III collagens in skin in vivo and alters the balance of extracellular matrix turnover in skin
(2) Effect of cigarette smoking on skin aging
(3) Inflammation in Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): A Review of Potential Correlates of PTSD with a Neurological Perspective
(4) The skin as an endocrine organ
(5) Psychological Stress and the Cutaneous Immune Response: Roles of the HPA Axis and the Sympathetic Nervous System in Atopic Dermatitis and Psoriasis
(6) Mental stress-induced constricted blood vessels more likely in women
(7) The Link between Chronic Stress and Accelerated Aging
(8) Psychological stress perturbs epidermal permeability barrier homeostasis: implications for the pathogenesis of stress-associated skin disorders
(9) Vitamin D and the skin: Focus on a complex relationship: A review
(10) Collagen alterations in chronically sun-damaged human skin
(11) Overview of Health and Diet in America
(12) The Standard American Diet and its relationship to the health status of Americans
(13) Foods to Nourish Your Skin and Hair: Understanding Outer Nutrition
(14) 3,163 ingredients hide behind the word “fragrance”
(15) Five Reasons Why Calling a Quitline Can Be Key to Your Success
(16) Carotenoids in human skin

This article is the second installment of a 2-Part series, so be sure to check out Part 1! In Part 1, I talked about the toxic state of the cosmetics industry in general and also discussed the “Top 5 Toxic Substances” you need to avoid in any skincare product.

Make no mistake, those “Top 5” featured in Part 1 are the “bigwigs” of chemical and synthetic toxins and you definitely want to avoid them! That being said, they really are just the “tip of the iceberg.” Here are eight more synthetic substances that you need to avoid and that you will never find in any CHARLÍS product – ever.

#1 Triclosan

Even though the F.D.A. acknowledges that triclosan may pose a threat to health (and even banned its use in household soap and over the counter antiseptics in 2016), this xenoestrogen is actually used now more than ever. This is because triclosan, an antimicrobial agent, can commonly be found in commercial hand sanitizers. It is also still included in mouth washes, fluoride-based toothpastes, deodorants, lotions, hand creams, and many cosmetics. (1)

The main threat that triclosan poses is to hormonal health. Triclosan used in personal care products has the ability to pass through the skin barrier and into the bloodstream, where it will eventually make its way to the thyroid and other important points along the endocrine system. It is considered a “xenoestrogen” because it can mimic aggressive forms of estrogen. Its use is linked to breast cancer and other reproductive cancers, according to studies at the University of Tennessee, as well as others. (2) Heavy use of products where triclosan is an ingredient can also lead to bacterial resistance.

#2 Polyethylene Glycol (PEGs)

PEGs are a class of chemicals called “ethylene glycol polymers” that are typically used as thickening agents as well as to keep products stable. They are also used to promote moisture retention and to enhance penetration of other substances.

This last characteristic in particular is what poses the greatest threat to human health, where PEGs are concerned. The two main toxins that often accompany PEGs are ethylene oxide and 1,4-dioxane. PEGs penetrating action means that these highly toxic byproducts can, depending on the size of the PEG molecule, penetrate deep into the surface of the skin and even enter into the bloodstream. (3)

Both of these toxic tag-alongs to PEGs are just plain bad news. Ethylene oxide is one of the main ingredients in the creation of mustard gas (a chemical warfare agent first used in world war I). According to the National Cancer Institute, ethylene oxide is highly carcinogenic and is linked to lymphoma and leukemia, as well as stomach and breast cancers. (4) 1,4-dioxane, also commonly found in PEGs, has been classified by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to be a “probable human carcinogen.” It is also linked to respiratory dysfunction and illnesses. (5)

As if these two weren’t bad enough, PEGs may also contain other damaging byproducts such as heavy metals like lead, cobalt, and arsenic. (6)

#3 Butylated Hydroxytoluene & Butylated Hydroxyanisole (BHA & BHT)

BHA, as well as BHT (a close cousin), is a chemical preservative that has been flagged by both US-based and international organizations as harmful to human health. The U.S. The National Toxicology Program (NTP), a department of the National Institutes of Health, currently states that BHA (Butylated hydroxyanisole) is “reasonably anticipated to be a human carcinogen.” (7) (8)

Studies have shown that BHA can also do damage to the liver and wreak havoc on the thyroid and the reproductive system. (9) It has been linked with stomach cancer as well as other types of cancer, which is a big reason why BHA is prohibited to be used, even in proprietary fragrance formulas, in the E.U. BHT is closely related to BHA and poses the same basic risks as BHA.

#4 Petroleum

Petroleum-based products like Vaseline and Vicks Vapor Rub have been staples in American medicine cabinets for decades. That’s why it is hard to imagine that there could ever be anything wrong with using them as go-to’s when you need relief.

However, ongoing recent research has found that petroleum use in personal care and cosmetics products may come with some pretty intense risks. The first area of concern lies on the surface of the skin. Many cosmetics and skincare companies use petrolatum and petroleum distillates as a cheap filler so that their products will feel more moisturizing to the touch. However, according to experts, petroleum substances do not absorb well and most of the product may actually remain on the surface of the skin or accumulate inside the tissues. (10) This prevents natural moisture from accessing the skin and also blocks both oxygen absorption and the skin’s ability to detoxify through the pores. All this can aggravate pre-existing conditions like acne.

The second area of concern is even more troubling. Petroleum distillates, just like PEGs, also have byproducts attached to it. One of them is 1,4-dioxane , which I talked about earlier. The other is called “PAH.” PAHs, or Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, are a group of organic compounds that are classified as “probable human carcinogens.” (11)

Petroleum (and its byproducts) can be sneaky; they are often disguised or “hidden” within other ingredients such as paraffin wax, mineral oil, toluene, butanol (and any ingredient with “butyl” in it), EDTA, PEGs, and substances with the prefix “propyl.” It is estimated that the vast majority of all synthetic “fragrance” ingredients are made at least in part from petroleum distillate substances.

#5 Siloxanes

Siloxanes come from silicone and are used in hair products as well as in skin care formulas. Siloxanes make these products easy to apply and quick to dry. They are used in skin moisturizers because they make skin feel smooth and soft.

Siloxanes are very effective in doing these things, but their effectiveness comes with a price. Research has shown that siloxane compounds are extremely toxic, especially for the endocrine system and fertility. A 2015 Korean study found that these chemicals are strong endocrine disruptors. (12) A type of siloxane called cyclopentasiloxane can also be harmful to brain health and the nervous system since it tends to also have an effect on neurotransmitter function. (13)

#6 Diethanolamine (DEA)

DEA is a compound that is used to make skincare products more sudsy and creamier. But they can also be irritating to the skin and much more. DEA is connected to a higher risk of liver cancer as well as thyroid imbalance, according to a study done by the U.S. National Toxicology Program. (14) DEA is a known hormone disruptor and can also deplete the body of choline, which can lead to carcinogenesis, says the writers of a 2002 report in the journal Toxicological Sciences. (15) Choline is a vital natural substance for healthy brain development as well.

#7 Oxybenzone

Oxybenzone is hailed as a protectant against the U.V. rays of the sun and is a common ingredient in commercial sunscreens. It is also a known hormone disruptor. According to a report put together by the Environmental Working Group, oxybenzone has been linked to male infertility and reproductive cancer in both men and women. Other research has linked oxybenzone with skin-related allergies and conditions. (16) Oxybenzone is especially dangerous when coupled with “penetration enhancers,” i.e. chemicals such as PEGs which encourage and accelerate absorption of other substances into the skin.

#8 Isothiazolinones (MI/MIT/MCI/BIT)

Finally, there are isothiazolinones, which sometimes go by the names methylisothiazolinone (M.I./M.I.T.), methylchloroisothiazolinone (M.C.I.), or benzisothiazolinone (B.I.T.). These are preservatives that are used in many skin and hair products to keep them “fresh” on the shelves. However, a report put out by researchers from UCSD, Loma Linda University, and the Dermatitis Academy found that these substances can also cause skin-related irritation and worse. When applied to the skin in moisturizers and other skin products, isothiazolinones raise the risk of allergies and allergic contact dermatitis. Many products that are labels as “hypoallergenic” or “for sensitive skin” may actually still contain isothiazolinones. (17)

Be In The Know and Stay Away from Toxins in Skincare!

Unfortunately, today more than ever, there are thousands of questionable chemicals skincare manufacturers can choose from when creating everything from “fresh” new makeup lines to “luxurious” new moisturizer brands. The bad news is that a lot of these products are anything but fresh and the luxury they sell may come at too high a price for health.

Here at CHARLÍS, we know that what we leave out of our unique, all natural formulations is just as important as what we put in. That is why we not only lab test each bottle to make sure it is 100% ToxicFree(R), we also have strict internal standards regarding substances that will never be added into any of our formulations.

Be in the know about what you put on your skin. Choose only luxury skincare whose ingredients consistently prove to be non-GMO, organic, wild-harvested, and sustainably obtained. That is the CHARLÍS promise– because you are so worth it!


(1) “5 Things to Know About Triclosan.” Food and Drug Administration.
(2) Recent Evidence Regarding Triclosan and Cancer Risk
(3) Absorption of Polyethylene Glycol (PEG) Polymers: The Effect of PEG Size on Permeability
(4) Ethylene Oxide EPA Deems Ethylene Oxide A Carcinogen
(5) Toxicological Profile for 1,4-Dioxane
(6)  Final report on the safety assessment of PEG-25 propylene glycol stearate, PEG-75 propylene glycol stearate, PEG-120 propylene glycol stearate, PEG-10 propylene glycol, PEG-8 propylene glycol cocoate, and PEG-55 propylene glycol oleate
(7) Butylated Hydroxyanisole.
(8) National Toxicology Program Report on Carcinogens, Fourteenth Edition. 
(9) Effects of butylated hydroxyanisole on the development and functions of reproductive system in rats
(10) Petroleum Jelly May Not Be As Harmless As You Think
(11) Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) Frequently Asked Questions by the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR)
(12) Induction of the Estrogenic Marker Calbindn-D9k by Octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane
(13)  Direct Human Contact with Siloxanes (Silicones) – Safety or Risk Part 1. Characteristics of Siloxanes (Silicones)
(14) NTP Toxicology and Carcinogenesis Studies of Diethanolamine (CAS No. 111-42-2) in F344/N Rats and B6C3F1 Mice (Dermal Studies)
(15) Diethanolamine Induces Hepatic Choline Deficiency in Mice
(16) The trouble with ingredients in sunscreens
(17) Update on Isothiazolinones

At CHARLíS, we take great care with every single ingredient we put in our unique, one-of-a-kind luxury skin and body care formulas. I encourage you to read through our detailed ingredient listings to see for yourself!

What you may not know is that we put just as much care into what we leave out of our formulas as with what do what we include. Read on to be in the know about the Top 5 MUST AVOID toxins, so common in other luxury skincare products, that you will never find in any CHARLíS formula.  

The Toxic State of the Cosmetics Industry

Today there are more skin care products to choose from than ever before. Just because there is a vast selection, however, doesn’t mean that there are more healthy options out there. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is the government agency tasked with determining which chemical substances are safe for the population. Out of the thousands of new substances created by the $200 billion dollar cosmetics industry, the US FDA has banned less than a dozen. Many other countries, on the other hand, have made upwards of 1,000 or more toxic substances illegal to put into consumer goods, sundry products, and food products because of evidence-backed concern for human health and safety. (1)

It is unfortunate that the American institutions responsible for keeping us safe are not doing their job, but that doesn’t mean that you have to suffer as a result! It is up to each one of us to take care of our own bodies, including our skin, and the very first step is to learn what substances to avoid.

The Top 5 MUST AVOID Toxins in Skin Care

Of the thousands of synthetically produced, potentially toxic fillers, emulsifiers, preservatives, fragrances and other substances that the cosmetics industry can legally include in their formulations, there are a handful that “rise to the top” based on how commonly they are used, as well as the sheer damage they can do.

Be sure to always read labels whenever you shop. Even products that may appear to be free of toxins may, in fact, not be. For more information about the sneaky way some manufacturers mislead consumers on their labels, be sure to read this article. 

All that being said, are there specific substances we should just stay away from across the board? You bet! The following are my “Top Five” substances (going from very bad to the absolute worse) that you will never find in any CHARLíS product:  

#5 “Fragrance”

The ubiquitous term “fragrance” makes my Top 5 not only because of what substances within this term (more about that in a minute) can do to harm the body but also because of the sneaky way manufacturers use the term itself in order to avoid disclosing exactly what they are putting in their products.

In a nutshell, when a company creates a unique “fragrance blend,” the ingredients used to create the blend are considered part of a “trade secret” and are protected under federal law. Companies are not required to disclose what specific substances went into the formula, even if some or all of them could be harmful to the body.

There are an estimated 3,000 different chemicals available to industry-sponsored chemists for the creation of proprietary synthetic fragrance blends. (2) The consumer organization “Campaign for Safe Cosmetics” estimates that each time “fragrance” is listed on a label, it actually represents about 14 different chemicals. (3) Just one example is benzyl alcohol, which is found naturally in pungent flowers such as jasmine. The synthetic version, however, can create respiratory failure and sudden drops in blood pressure. (4)

Unless a company makes a commitment to use only natural, organic essential oils (like CHARLíS does), it is a very safe bet that most if not all “fragrance” ingredients are going to be toxic.

#4 Formaldehyde

 Next in line is formaldehyde. You may have heard of this super toxic substance as one to avoid in new furniture and carpet, but did you know that formaldehyde can also be found in the “gentlest” of skin care products? Some products that typically contain formaldehyde include face moisturizers, shower gels, and even baby bath soap.

Surface-level risks of formaldehyde exposure can include skin rash as well as irritation in the eyes, throat, and nose. Long-term exposure is connected to immune system issues, respiratory conditions, and cancer. The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has classified this substance as a human carcinogen. (5) Other studies have linked it to nasopharyngeal and sinonasal cancers as well as leukemia.

Formaldehyde also makes the “Top 5” because of the sneaky way manufacturers sometimes include it in their formulas. Formaldehyde often goes by other names on ingredient listings, including sodium hydroxymethylglycinate,

D.M.D.M. hydantoin, diazolidinyl urea, imidazolidinyl urea, quaternium-15, and methenamine. (6) 

#3 Sodium Lauryl Sulfate & Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLS)

SLSs are foaming agents (surfactants) found in hundreds of sundry products (such as face cleansers and shampoos) because they have the ability to attract both oil and water. However, SLSs are created using substances that are found to be harmful, especially if they are used around the eyes or in sprays.

Ethylene oxide is a residue found in SLS which can cause eye damage and is considered a carcinogen by the David Suzuki Foundation as well as the International Agency for Research on Cancer. (7) Other studies have found that ehtylene oxide can damage the nervous system. 1,4-dioxane is a byproduct of SLS manufacturing that can cause kidney and liver damage, according to a 2012 health advisory put out by the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry. (8)

#2 Parabens

Parabens are commonly used artificial preservatives that have been shown to have a negative effect on the reproductive and endocrine systems. They mimic harmful forms of estrogen in the body, a fact to which even the FDA admits. (9) Synthetic estrogen mimics such as parabens are called “xenoestrogens.” Exposure to parabens was connected to low male sperm count in a 2009 Portuguese report. Xenoestrogens in general are a common cause of breast cancer in both men and women, according to multiple studies. (10) (11)

To make matters worse, according to Tasha Stoiber, PhD, Senior Scientist at the Environmental Working Group (EWG), parabens accumulate rapidly in the body because of the way they progressively lodge themselves in tissue. This means that their xeonestrogenic effects can be exponential. (12) 

Methylparaben, propylparaben, butylparaben, and ethylparaben are some common names parabens can go by on ingredient labels.

#1 Phthalates

Phthalates top the list as the most toxic skin care ingredient because of the havoc they can wreak on both the endocrine and nervous systems. They are used in conventional skin care products as solvents and stabilizers. Some products that use phthalates include lotions (including aftershave lotions), cleansers, and shampoos.

Like parabens, phthalates are also considered xenoestrogens and are particularly harmful for men. A study done at Yale University found that phthalates target testosterone production in particular, creating increased male reproductive cancer risk. (13)

Women are not immune to the harm phthalates can cause, however. A report put out by Harvard Health found that phthalates can interfere with a healthy pregnancy and may even encourage gestational diabetes. (14)

Phthalates have also been shown to cause harm to the nervous system, especially for the young. A 2021 study found that even low dose exposure to phthalates can cause nervous system damage and slow development during puberty. (15)

The (kind of) good news about all this is that, under the Fair Packaging and Labeling Act (FPLA), the FDA does require that phthalates (as well as other harmful toxins) be disclosed in product ingredient listing whenever they are used. However, as I mentioned above, this disclosure does not include harmful substances, phthalates included, which are part of the creation of a company’s proprietary “fragrance” or “flavor.” (16)

The other names that phthalates may go by include di-n-butyl phthalate (DBP), diethyl phthalate (DEP), dimethyl phthalate (DMP), di-2-ethylhexyl (DEHP), and benzylbutyl phthalate (BzBP).

Make the Switch to Healthier Skin with CHARLíS!

My hope is that this “Top Five” list will give you the inspiration you may need to “make the switch” to healthier skincare products. Be sure to always read ingredient labels of the cosmetic products you are considering for purchase (and if they don’t offer an ingredient listing, don’t buy them!).

Better yet, connect with a company that you know has the highest integrity and the cleanest (and most naturally effective) luxury skincare and body care products out there.  

Hands down, that would be CHARLíS! Every single bottle in the CHARLíS Luxury Skincare line as well as the CHARLíS Luxury Body Care line must pass rigorous independent lab testing before it is ever considered for purchase by you. For more information about our unique ToxicFree® label (and the ToxicFree® Foundation, run by CHARLíS formula designer Linda Chae, who does the testing), be sure to check out this article.

Also be sure to read Part 2 of this 2-Part series, where I will disclose even more skincare substances to ABSOLUTELY avoid—harmful toxic chemicals that you will see regularly in commercial skincare products, but you will never find at CHARLíS!


(1) Prohibited & Restricted Ingredients in Cosmetics.” Food and Drug Administration
(2) 3,163 ingredients hide behind the word “fragrance”
(3) Not So Sexy the Health Risks of Secret Chemicals  in Fragrance
(4) Benzyl Alcohol
(5) Formaldehyde and Cancer Risk
(6) Formaldehyde may be found in cosmetic products even when unlabelled
(7) The Dirty Dozen: Sodium Laureth Sulfate
(8) Toxicological Profile for 1,4-Dioxane.
(9) Cosmetics Safety Q&A: Parabens
(10) Parabens in male infertility—Is there a mitochondrial connection?  
(11) Estrogen and Xenoestrogens in Breast Cancer
(12) “What are Parabens, and Why Don’t They Belong in Cosmetics?” Environmental Working Group. 
(13) Bisphenol A Mimics Estrogen, Phthalates Target Testosterone
(14) Exposure to phthalates may raise risk of pregnancy loss, gestational diabetes
(15) Effects of pubertal exposure to low doses of di-(2-ethylexyl)phthalate on reproductive behaviors in male mice 
(16) Phthalates in Cosmetics


Wind. Rain. Snow. Frigid temperatures and biting winds. There are a lot of ways that winter weather can wreak havoc on your skin. Surprisingly, a little cold can also bring some benefits to your skin. The difference between dry, itchy skin and beautiful skin in winter depends on how you care for it during the coldest time of the year!

What Cold Weather Does to Skin

As temperatures slowly start to wane in mid fall and colder temps lock in, our lives change. We spend more time indoors and we yearn to turn inward (even though our busy lives may prevent it). During winter, our bodies also go through changes, and this includes changes to our skin!

First, let’s talk about moisture. Your neighborhood may be covered in snow every winter. Even so, in most regions the coldest season of the year typically brings with it lower humidity overall. Add to this biting winds and blizzards outside as well as moisture-sapping heating sources like fireplaces, forced air units, gas furnaces, and electric space heaters inside, and you have a recipe for extremely dry skin all winter long. Extreme dryness can lead to itchiness as well as chapping, rashes, discoloration, and even cracking. The winter months can be especially problematic for individuals with more severe skin conditions like psoriasis and eczema. (1)  

Cold weather can affect your skin in other ways as well. A 2015 study published in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology discovered that cases of acne actually rise by more than 10% each year during winter. (2) The reason has to do with the body’s natural response to decreased humidity and cold. In my article about combination skin, I discussed how sebum, an oily, moisture-retaining substance on the surface of the skin, is often highest in the “T Zone” area of your face. In response to extra dryness in winter, the skin compensates by producing more sebum. This can lead to acne in the T zone while the rest of the face (as well as other areas) can display extreme dryness. 

The circulatory system within the skin is also affected by the cold. Tiny passageways called capillaries that make up the microcirculatory system constrict when exposed to cold. Once the area of skin warms up, the constriction loosens and a rush of blood floods the area. Constant fluctuations between hot and cold like this can create redness, blotchiness, blemishes and even a condition called telangiectasia, i.e. “spider veins” in the skin. (3) 

Six Steps to “Winter Beautiful” Skin 

Don’t let the “winter blues” get you down when it comes to your skin! Here are six steps you can do now to heal and protect it: 

#1 Hydrate Your Body 

Because of all the dryness, the winter months are when we should actually be drinking even more fresh, filtered water than we normally do. However, according to experts, this is when most people tend to drink the least amounts of water. Dehydration on the inside can absolutely lead to dry, flaky skin on the outside. A good rubric to determine the minimum amount of water to drink each day is to take your weight in pounds and divide it in half. This is the minimum amount of water you should be drinking every day in ounces. 

#2 Use a Humidifier Indoors 

Humidifiers come in all types, shapes, and sizes. Some home air conditioning and heating units even have them built into their systems. All humidifiers basically do the same thing: release tiny water droplets into the air in the form of vapor, steam, or mist. According to a 2012 Korean study, humidifiers can be great for easing dry skin in the winter months. (4) Mayo Clinic researchers add that they can also help to moisten eyes, lubricate sinus passages, and soothe dry throats. 

be sure to get a humidifier with a built-in “hygrometer,” or “humidistat.” This feature measures the humidity level in a room, which should be between 30% – 50% for health. Also be sure to clean and replace your humidifier’s filter to avoid mold growth.

#3 Use a High-Quality Moisturizer

In order to return your skin back to health in dry, cold weather, you must moisturize! What’s more, it is important to choose a moisturizer that is high quality, organic, and full of moisture-retaining natural substances. If you are already beginning to feel the effects of “winter skin,” using a moisturizer can help you to feel relief right away. 

One of the absolute best, cleanest, and most effective moisturizers out there is the CHARLíS Revitalizing Daily Moisturizer, which is part of the CHARLíS Face Collection. Not only is every bottle lab-tested to be 100% ToxicFree®, but the formula also contains natural substances that have been specifically designed by nature to not only retain moisture but to kickstart healing and repair as well. Some of these substances include safflower seed oil, vitamin E, linoleic acid, and perilla seed oil. Perilla in particular is a great source of antioxidants and omega 3 fatty acids. 

#4 Protect Your Skin

Wintertime is also when the sun can be the most intense in some regions. Besides wearing sunglasses to protect against eye-specific sun damage, you also want to make sure that your face and neck are protected by using a ToxicFree ® sunblock if you are going to be outside for a long period of time.  

This is why our Neutral-Tinted Daily Moisturizer with SPF 25 (available through the CHARLíS Body Collection) can be such a great addition to your skin-healing and beautifying toolbox. This sun-protecting, zinc oxide-based moisturizer is 100% ToxinFree ®. It also contains allantoin, a phytonutrient derived from the comfrey plant, which is extremely effective for relief from rough, scaly, itchy skin. In addition, it also contains panthenol, a B5 precursor and a humectant. Panthenol has proven to lower inflammation in the skin as well. 

Finally, it is also important to keep your lips moisturized and protected during winter. The CHARLíS Orange Blossom Lip Balm (also part of the new CHARLíS Body Collection) contains butyrospermum parkii butter, i.e. shea butter, which is a natural protectant against the harmful rays of the sun as well as a fatty acid-rich skin softener and moisture retainer. 

#5 Repair While You Sleep!

Repair and rejuvenation of the skin is crucial any time of year, and the time when this happens the most is during sleep. In fact, did you know that the body begins its repair work on the skin almost immediately upon falling asleep? (5) 

You can significantly help your skin by making sure you are getting at least 7 hours of quality sleep each night. The good news is that, because winter is when there is the least sunlight overall, it is also the time of year when we tend to sleep more (and more deeply) as well. (6) 

And to ensure supercharged skin renewal and repair while you sleep, don’t forget CHARLíS Restorative Anti-Aging Overnight Serum. Apply just a little bit over your face and neck right before bed and let 100% organic, wild-harvested phytonutrients like aloe, apple fruit extract, and sodium hyaluronate soothe, rehydrate and recharge your skin while you sleep. 

#6 Relax!

Each season was designed by God to have a special place in our lives. With shorter days and longer, darker nights, winter really is the time of year designed to give us a special opportunity to slow down and reflect. We can do this, despite what our culture may say! And when we do, our stress responses go down and we give our bodies permission to heal! 

Enjoy Winter…And Beautiful Skin 

Once you have a winter skin self-care routine in place, you can actually start enjoying this special time of year and the benefits that cold weather can bring to your skin as well. According to research, cold therapy (also called cryotherapy) has been shown to lower inflammation, open clogged pores, and rejuvenate the face. Moderately cold weather can also train blood vessels in the skin to be more responsive. (7) 

Winter is an inevitable event in our lives—guaranteed it’s going to happen every year whether we like it or not! However, with just a little planning and the right CHARLíS products at your fingertips, you can enjoy the season and experience that “winter wonderland” glow each year! 


(1) Seasonal Variation of Psoriasis and Its Impact in the Therapeutic Management: A Retrospective Study on Chinese Patients
(2) Seasonal variation of acne and psoriasis: A 3-year study using the Physician Global Assessment severity scale
(3) Skin diseases caused by heat and cold
(4) The Effects of Humidifier Generating Nano-sized Water Particles on Skin Hydration and Transepidermal Water Loss of the Normal Human Skin
(5) Hypothalamic Hormones
(6) Bright light affects human circadian rhythms
(7) Skin temperature response to cryotherapy

Wouldn’t it be great if we could just fall asleep at night and wake up in the morning with beautiful skin? 

Well, as a matter of fact, this isn’t too far from reality. In case you didn’t know, there is a LOT of repair, healing, and rejuvenation that occurs on the surface of your skin at night while you are getting your Z’s. 

Read on to learn why a “sleep routine” is so vitally important for the health of your skin– and how a one-of-kind CHARLíS formula can give you the advantage you need to “beautify your skin” while you sleep.

Our Sleep-Deprived World 

We’ve all done it—burned the midnight oil, stayed up to watch that favorite movie, or simply had too much on our minds to fall peacefully asleep. Sometimes we can’t help but lose some shut eye. When this happens, hopefully we can make it up the next night by getting to bed early or letting ourselves snooze a little past the alarm. 

On the other hand, if you are one of the millions of people in the United States who suffer regularly from sleep-related issues, take heart because you are not alone.  In fact, a Center for Disease Control report states that “one in every three” American adults consistently get by with 6 hours or less of sleep a night. (1) 

Lack of sleep (and lack of quality sleep, which I will talk about next) can lead to inflammation and hormonal imbalance, lower immunity, and weight gain. Worst of all, lack of sleep can show up on your face since it can also shorten chromosomal telomere length, which is linked to longevity. (2) 

Quality Sleep: What It Is and Why Your Skin Needs It  

Another term for quality sleep is “deep sleep.” Deep sleep is defined by the Sleep Foundation as sleep where the brain is able to rest and enter into both theta and delta “brain wave patterns.” Theta is where dreaming is most likely to happen. Delta is where healing, repair, and restoration of key body organs, including the skin, mostly occurs. (3)  

Of course, the first step to quality sleep is to get enough of it. For more sleep experts, this means 7 to 9 hours of sleep where: 

  • You fall asleep within about a half an hour of going to bed
  • You only wake up once (or not at all) during the night
  • You wake up feeling rested and you do not feel tired during the day. (4)

A good night’s sleep is absolutely vital for the healthy maintenance of the body’s largest organ. In fact, the body goes to work repairing and rejuvenating the skin almost immediately once we fall asleep. During the first few hours, a peptide growth hormone called somatotropin is produced by the pituitary gland. Somatotropin is vital for daily skin repair. Studies have found that lower somatotropin levels, which inevitably happens when we don’t get enough sleep, can accelerate the aging process. (5) 

The production and utilization of somatotropin is just one mechanism among many that relies on the sleep process…and all it takes is a little shut eye to get that process started. 

Want Deep, Restorative Sleep for Beautiful Skin? Create a “Bedtime Routine” 

As much as we may crave adventure and change, what our body craves most for health are consistent routines. This is especially true when it comes to what we choose to do in the hours before we crawl into bed. 

According to sleep expert Sanchin Panda, PhD , author of the best-selling book The Circadian Code, a healthy “sleep cycle” for most people starts at around 10 pm. This is when melatonin begins to kick in and cortisol levels go down. Melatonin is also a powerful cancer inhibitor. It is  important for gut health and, most importantly, it is a major hormonal regulator. It is key for the production of serotonin, especially in the morning hours. (6) Around 10 pm is also when the brain begins to go through distinct phases that will eventually lead to that “deep, dreamless delta sleep” where the most restoration for the body can occur. (7) 

Just to be clear — for all of the above to happen, a person needs to be actually snoozing by 10 p.m. (not getting ready for bed). If you are a night owl, this could mean a slight adjustment to your schedule throughout the day and into the evening hours. 

And if you are having sleep challenges now, you may want to try the “10-3-2-1-0 Rule” to get back to a healthy sleep cycle. This means that:

  • 10 hours before bed, you stop drinking caffeine. 
  • 3 hours before bed, you stop eating.
  • 2 hours before bed, you stop working. 
  • 1 hour before bed, you turn off all electronics (including the TV). (8)

No TV Before Bed? What Will I Do? 

One of the most difficult, yet perhaps the most important, decisions you can make for better sleep is to simply “turn it all off” one hour before bed. Of course, I am talking about computers, tablets, cellphones, and even the TV. The reason has to do with “blue light.”

“Blue light” is the type of light that is emitted from the screens of most electronic devices. A 2010 study conducted at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in New York found that high amounts of “screen time” especially at night can lead to skewed levels of both melatonin and cortisol as well as negative effects on both the endocrine and nervous system. (9) 

Instead of watching TV, checking social media, or working on your computer right before bed, try engaging in activities that can encourage your body and brain to rest. Some examples are:

  • Taking a warm bath
  • Listening to soothing music
  • Reading a calming book 
  • Having a relaxing cup of herbal tea

Make the Most of Your Sleep with CHARLíS 

Sometimes, simply the act of preparing for bed can put our body and brain “in the mood” for slumber. As we lower the lights, change into our PJs, brush our teeth, and wash and moisturize our face, this can signal to the whole body that it is time to sleep! 

While you are going through your nightly routine, don’t forget the extra steps you can put into place to give your skin the advantage it needs for healing throughout the night. This is where the unique, one-of-a-kind ingredients in the CHARLíS Restorative Anti-Aging Overnight Serum can really help. Its “superstar” ingredients include: 

  • Oxidized Glutathione. Glutathione is a super antioxidant that the body produces naturally in the liver. It protects against free radicals and is a key anti-aging substance for the body overall. When applied to the skin, oxidized glutathione can help reduce wrinkles, tighten up loose skin, and even help remove blemishes. 
  • Tetrahexyldecyl Ascorbate. Tetrahexyldecyl Ascorbate is a special highly absorbable form of vitamin C. Vitamin C is absolutely essential for the production and synthesis of collagen and is also a protective agent and antioxidant. 
  • Chlorella Vulgaris Extract. Chlorella is a type of “microalgae” that is packed with proteins, minerals, and lipids to nourish skin to the deepest levels. It is a solid source of B vitamins, an oxygenator and detoxifier, and when used on the surface of the skin, can significantly encourage UV protection, pigmentation reduction, and skin anti-aging in general. 
  •  Aloe Leaf Extract. Aloe is known for how it can moisturize and repair dry skin especially. It is also an excellent wound healer, especially for sun burns and rashes. Its super-healing characteristics are why it is found in pretty much all CHARLíS formulas. (10) 

Heal Your Skin While You Sleep! 

By now it should be obvious- your body needs sleep to stay healthy and balanced and your skin needs sleep to repair, rejuvenate and look great. Take some time this week to discover what kind of “bedtime routine” works for you and consider the  “10-3-2-1-0 Rule” to help you prepare for maximum rest, especially if you currently have sleep challenges. 

Most importantly, for the health of your skin, do all you can to help your largest organ heal and repair naturally while you sleep. This means using the very best formula for overnight support, protection, and rejuvenation. In my book — and many CHARLíS customers will agree — that formula is the CHARLíS Restorative Anti-Aging Overnight Serum.

The CHARLíS Restorative Anti-Aging Overnight Serum is part of the CHARLíS Face Collection


(1) How Much Sleep Do I Need?
(2) Sleep and Chronic Disease
(3) How To Determine Poor Sleep Quality
(4) The Subjective Meaning of Sleep Quality: A Comparison of Individuals with and without Insomnia
(5) Hypothalamic Hormones
(6) Signal transduction of the melatonin receptor MT1 is disrupted in breast cancer cells by electromagnetic fields
(7) The Circadian Code: Lose Weight, Supercharge Your Energy, and Transform Your Health from Morning to Midnight 
(8) Sleep: The most overlooked cause of belly fat
(9) The Effects of Red and Blue Lights on Circadian Variations in Cortisol, Alpha Amylase, and Melatonin

Skin “resilience” is a scientific term that has to do with the state and “function” of the skin at the epidermis level. Learn why dermatologists are focusing more and more on skin resilience, also known as “epidermal functionality,” as a major indicator of overall skin health. Most importantly, find out what you can do to make your skin as resilient as possible for an age-defying complexion and more! 

What is Skin Resilience?

You may have heard the term “resilience” in reference to someone who is able to “bounce back” after a pitfall or setback.  But resilience has a physically tangible meaning as well. When it comes to the health and condition of your skin, resilience refers to the ability of the skin to recover quickly from damage or injury. How skin recovers from any stressor, such as a wound, a sunburn, or simply the day-to-day exposure to pollutants can tell the tale about our skin’s health in general, especially as one ages. 

According to a recent trend analysis conducted by Happi, the cosmetics industry’s leading trade magazine, “(t)he traditional focus in skin aging has been centered around changes in the dermal skin layer, however, skin resilience is an expansion of skin care to include the significant visible and sensorial benefits that can be achieved with a focus on the skin barrier—the epidermis.” (1) 

Skin Resilience and the Epidermis 

What makes the epidermis so important that an entire industry would now be focusing on it? 

The epidermis is the topmost layer of skin and the only one that is visible to the eye. Its primary function is as a protective barrier and boundary from all those stressors we were talking about above. Its other job is to make sure that the skin does not dry out (i.e., desiccate). 

That is it in a nutshell but, of course, there is so much more to “the story.” In the deepest layer of the epidermis (called the germinative layer), new skin cells are being created in a process called mitosis. Pigment is also produced through a chain reaction between specialized cells called melanocytes, a pigmentation substance called melanin, and environmental factors, namely the sun. 

In a fascinating 24/7 cycle of renewal, new cells are being pushed upwards from the bottom layer of your epidermis and through the various stratums of the middle layer. Once there, they use their pigmented, dying bodies to act as tiny shields for new cells at the lower levels. It is similar to how a pair of sunglasses might protect your eyes; the brighter it is outside, the darker you are going to want your sunglasses to be. Likewise, the more intense the sun, the more melanin goes into the cell and the darker the skin in general becomes. 

Finally, at the very top of the epidermis lies the dead cells (called squamous cells) which are there specifically to provide a powerful front-line protective boundary from the outside world. (2)  

But there is even more! The epidermis is also the home to yet another cycle for skin and whole-body health. This one is specifically designed to hold moisture in the body (and likewise, keep all of your organs and tissues from drying out). The semi-permeable stratum corneum, the topmost layer of the epidermis, is responsible for keeping bacteria, pollutants, and other harmful pathogens out of the body while it strives to keep moisture in. It does this in large part through the sebaceous glands, which create a waxy “lipid” substance on the surface of the skin called sebum. Sebum is dually designed to protect as well as to keep skin soft, supple, and moist. 

What You Can Do to Keep Your Epidermis Resilient 

No doubt you are beginning to see how super important the epidermis is for everyday function and also to allow the skin to “bounce back” after any stress. Here are three simple ways you can help your skin up its resiliency level:

#1 Encourage new cell growth and collagen production 

The ability to “bounce back” from stressors really relies on your skin’s ability to continuously produce new skin cells. This is foundational and must take place so that all the other functions of the epidermis (mentioned above) can happen. You can help your epidermis with this by first focusing on collagen production

Using high quality skincare products that contain naturally occurring vitamin C is a great way to start. C is vital for both the production and the synthesis of collagen in the skin and in the body as a whole. Each one of the products in the CHARLíS Face Collection as well as the CHARLíS Body Collection contain some amount of citrus, whether it is organic sweet orange, grapefruit, mandarin, or bergamot. Citrus in the form of sustainably produced, all-natural essential oil is one of the very best ways to reap the benefits of vitamin C for the face and the whole body. Marigold flower extract has also been shown to help kickstart collagen production as well. For a double dose of collagen support be sure to check out the  CHARLíS Breath of Life Serum, which contains both citrus as well as marigold flower extract. 

#2 Be liberal with antioxidants 

Protection is the name of the game when it comes to the main function of the epidermis. You can help it do its job by stocking up on antioxidants both on the inside and the outside of your body. On the inside, go for the colorful whole foods—the brighter the better! Deep green kale, brilliant red cabbage and, of course, those amazing berries (blueberries, strawberries, raspberries) are a great start. And don’t forget the healthy oils, especially omega 3 fatty acids found in olive oil, salmon, some nuts and some leafy greens like kale. Omegas can help lower inflammation and smooth blemishes and irritations in the skin as well, according to research. (3) 

On the surface, your skin can benefit from the protective power of antioxidants as well. Again, non-GMO, organic vitamin C sources are definitely something to look for, but also little-known herbal antioxidant dynamos like rosemary. Rosemary is also an anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, and anti-bacterial and is one of the “star ingredients” in the all new CHARLíS Orange Blossom Shower Gel, which is part of the CHARLíS Body Collection

#3 Focus on hydration 

The first thing you can do to help your skin retain moisture is to be sure to drink enough fresh, filtered water every single day. This basically means, for most people, ingesting half your weight in ounces daily (although the exact amount may vary from person to person depending on age, climate, and a whole host of other factors). There is no doubt, however, that as a general rule, upping your water intake can take the look and feel of your skin to the next level. In fact, inadequate water intake can be noticeable on the skin fairly quickly in the form of flakiness, dryness, blemishes and “spots,” and wrinkles. (4) 

Of course, on the outside the most important thing you can do is be consistent in using a high quality, all natural moisturizer like the CHARLíS Revitalizing Daily Moisturizer. This moisturizer is gentle enough to use throughout the day for dry skin types and its fresh citrus scent is great for both men and women. This unique formula also combines Carthamus tinctorius (safflower) oleosomes which provide time-released, long-lasting moisture. It also contains organic Argania spinosa seed kernel oil. Argan is rich in vitamin E as well as essential fatty acids that can heal as well as retain moisture. In fact, studies have found that argan oil has the ability to clear up scarring and stretch marks if used regularly. (5) Theobroma grandiflorum (cupuaçu) seed butters and organic perilla ocymiodes seed oil (part of the mint family) are also “star ingredients” of this deeply moisturizing formula. 

Resilience Means Beautiful, Age-Defying Skin! 

Beautiful, healthy skin must occur on all levels- hypodermis, dermis, and epidermis. The “litmus test” for overall skin resilience, however,  can be found at the epidermal level. Maintaining resilience is especially important as we age. 

With a few key ingredients, the best luxury skincare around (i.e., CHARLíS!), and a few lifestyle hacks, you and your skin will be “bouncing back” to beautiful in no time! 


(1) Skin Resilience: The Future of Skin Care R&D
(2) Anatomy, Skin (Integument), Epidermis
(3) Omega-3 Versus Omega-6 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids in the Prevention and Treatment of Inflammatory Skin Diseases
(4) Changes in the skin characteristics associated with dehydration and rehydration
(5) The effect of dietary and/or cosmetic argan oil on postmenopausal skin elasticity 

In this day and age—when 80 is the new 50 and 50 is the new…well, you get the idea—there are actually a lot of advantages to getting older. There is more wisdom and experience, less comparing yourself to the next guy (or gal), and more freedom just to be your beautiful self!

That being said, we all know that there are also some (surprise, surprise) definite downsides to getting older too, not the least of which is what happens to our skin. 

But are wrinkles, blemishes, and sagging just par for the course when it comes to getting older? Or can we really get back that rosy glow we had when we were young? 

The answer, in large part, is YES! While we can’t stop the clock, there is a lot you can do RIGHT NOW to slow the aging process when it comes to your skin. Here are three tips– and a few “Action Steps” to go along with them—that will get you moving in the right direction towards youthful looking skin at any age. 

Tip #1:  If You Smoke, Quit Now

This may go without saying, but if you are still smoking cigarettes, it’s time to stop now for the health of your skin (and health of your whole body). The litany of overall health effects from smoking is too long to go over in this article. When it comes to skin, however, there is no question about it. Smoking is just bad news. 

Collagen synthesis is the process of creating and utilizing collagen, the essential ingredient needed to make all tissues in the body, including muscles, soft tissues, and also skin. According to an investigation at the University of Oulu in Finland, cigarette smoking can absolutely interfere with collagen synthesis in the skin because of its ability to significantly stunt vitamin C absorption. (1) 

Action Steps: Need help quitting? One of the best resources to begin the process is the “Quitline.” The Center for Disease Control provides a listing of both national and state-run Quitlines designed to support those who are wanting to quit and coach them about their options. 

And as you are on your way towards kicking the habit, you can begin to rebuild your vitamin C levels both internally and externally. For external support, a would suggest  CHARLíS Revitalizing Daily Moisturizer applied throughout the day. This moisturizer is truly remarkable, since it contains 100% natural, lab tested essential oils of vitamin C-rich grapefruit peel. It also contains both organic Theobroma Grandiflorum seed butter and Perilla Ocymoides seed oil. Both of these little-known, wild harvested plants are powerful antioxidants to add support for your skin as you work on building C absorption on the inside. 

Tip #2:  Cut the Stress 

The next big skin-ager is chronic stress. On this topic, let me just state the obvious. It’s a really stressful world out there these days; more than likely your life reflects this as well. In 2019 (i.e., pre-pandemic), already three-quarters of all Americans claimed that their sleep issues, fatigue, and general health issues like headaches were really symptoms of stress. (2) Stress can affect your skin as well, since chronic stress means systemic inflammation and lower vitamin C absorption as well as lower rates of “collagen synthesis.” Be sure to read my article about the stress-skin connection for more information! 

The number of “stressors” coming at us every day probably isn’t going to change any time soon. What can change, however, is how we perceive those potential mini crises that inevitably will keep on coming.  

Research has found that regularly employing stress-reduction techniques such as diaphragmatic breathing can improve nutrient absorption in the gut, and this can lead directly to restored, healthier skin. (3) 

Action Steps: Get out that calendar and pencil in time to unwind, restore, and just be. Time management experts all agree: if you don’t “schedule it in” there is a good chance that it just won’t get done. If this feels impossible in an already tight schedule, take heart: it doesn’t take much to have a long-lasting effect when it comes to lowering stress. Research has found that just 10-15 minutes a day of stretching, deep breathing, brisk walking, or being in nature can have a profoundly calming effect on the nervous system, especially when you take the time to destress every day. (4) 

Tip #3:  Hydrate!

The hallmark of youthful-looking skin is plumpness and fullness. Maintaining these characteristics as you get older has everything to do with how well your skin is able to hold in moisture. Of course, there is a complicated matrix of just-under-the-surface reactions which all contribute to how well your skin is able to do this. 

None of these mechanisms can work, however, if you don’t first hydrate your body with enough fresh, filtered water every single day. Getting enough is really important, and here’s why. Whenever you drink, your body will first automatically move that water to the internal organs for detoxification and lubrication. Only after these organs have had enough will it then move whatever is left in the direction of the skin. (5) A very recent 2023 study on athletes conducted at Waseda University in Saitama, Japan found that simply observing the look and feel of the skin can give definite clues as to the state of dehydration of the body as a whole. Not getting enough water can be almost immediately noticeable in the form of dryness, flakiness, discoloration, and wrinkles. (6)  

Action Step: Your first goal should be pretty obvious– get just the right amount of fresh, filtered H20 for you every day. However, this is often easier said than done. Luckily, if you need help remembering (and who doesn’t), there are dozens of clever strategies out there that can help. Apps, calendars, timers, specially marked water bottles – there is literally something for everyone. Why not give one or two of these a try? And if you are confused as to just how much you are supposed to consume, here is a simple equation. Take your weight in pounds and divide it in half. This gives you a good starting point as to the amount of water in ounces you should be consuming daily.  

While you are hydrating yourself on the inside, don’t forget to hydrate on the outside too. I recommend CHARLÍS Restorative Anti-Aging Overnight Serum to help with deep moisture retention and repair while you sleep. This unique nighttime formula contains aloe vera, designed by nature to soften skin and treat dryness without leaving your skin greasy. It also contains naturally derived sodium hyaluronate, best known for addressing skin concerns that stem from a lack of moisture and less than functional moisture retention mechanisms in the skin. Sodium hyaluronate and its derivatives have been shown in human trials to assist in the repair of the skin’s natural moisture barrier. (7) 

Youthful Skin Starts on the Inside 

I believe that, as we age, we can embrace all the good stuff that comes with getting older – wisdom, experience, freedom– while leaving the bad stuff behind. Living healthy lifestyle can help, and so can 100 % natural, wild-harvested, non-GMO and lab tested CHARLíS products like CHARLíS Revitalizing Daily Moisturizerand CHARLÍS Restorative Anti-Aging Overnight Serum

You can be the best that you can be, and CHARLíS can help you get there! 


(1) Smoking decreases the synthesis rates of type I and III collagens in skin in vivo and alters the balance of extracellular matrix turnover in skin
(2) Generation Z Graphs Stress
(3) Healing Irritable Bowel Syndrome with Diaphragmatic Breathing
(4) Stress, stress management, and the immune system
(5) Water, Hydration and Health
(6) Changes in the skin characteristics associated with dehydration and rehydration
(7) Oral Hyaluronan Relieves Wrinkles and Improves Dry Skin: A 12-Week Double-Blinded, Placebo-Controlled Study

When you think of beautiful skin, odds are the word “tough” probably does not come to mind. However, in order to experience beautiful skin on the outside, your skin has to be pretty strong on the inside too. 

Your Skin is Tough

Over the years as I was preparing to launch CHARLíS, I spent a lot of time investigating ways to help women look and feel their best on all levels. During that time of intense research, I was obsessed about learning how skin works and how best to heal skin-related issues naturally from the inside out. That meant I read a lot of books, articles and reports about skin basics. 

For example, just how does the body’s largest organ do all the things it does to keep you and me intact and “all together” day after day, often in the face of a harsh environment and an overall stressful life? 

What I learned along the way is that our skin is pretty incredible. Besides keeping all your insides together and protected, skin also: 

  • Regulates body temperature
  • Stores fat and water
  • Produces the hormonal steroid vitamin D
  • Is considered a “sensory organ” because of its millions of nerve endings and also its direct connection to the nervous system and the brain
  • Is a waterproof barrier against all kinds of threats, including too much sun, airborne and soil based pathogenic microorganisms, bad weather, air pollution, and more

And it does all this while at the same time remaining flexible enough to walk, crawl, jump, kick, shimmy, dance, swim, bicycle, and jump up and down as we do. (1) 

All this also means that your skin has to be TOUGH! But here’s the beauty of it:  your skin doesn’t have to look tough (or rough) to act tough.

What Science Has Discovered about Collagen and Skin Resilience

In different parts of the body, skin takes on a variety of thicknesses as well as textures, colors, and other characteristics. That being said, for decades, researchers have tried to find out what makes our skin so strong and durable overall. 

Along the way, they asked the question: is there a single substance that can help with vital aspects of skin health like moisture retention and clearing up blemishes while at the same time giving “free movement” and protection from falls and other threats?

In 2015, a team from University of California, Berkeley discovered the answer. Want to know the one substance in skin that makes all this happen? In a nutshell, it’s collagen. 

The Berkeley team found that it is just the right amount of skin-fortifying collagen that not only can help your skin maintain its moisture and give a healthy glow, but can also help to absorb shock when faced with a physical stress. 

“[Skin’s] tear resistance is remarkable,” said UC Berkeley professor of engineering Robert Ritchie, co-head of the study, in a recent article for the online journal Inside Science. “What’s happening is the collagen is moving in such a way to absorb energy and carry more load.” (2) 

Ritchie’s team discovered that it was collagen production in the middle layer of the skin, called the “dermis,” that really had the focused job of preparing the body for impact. According to the report published in the journal Nature Communications, the dermis is where the strongest tendrils of collagen exist in just the right structure and distribution to create skin resiliency. (3) 

Not to go into too much detail, but here is a brief synopsis of how this fascinating process works. Whenever there is a pull on the skin (such as an accident that could result in a wound), the twisted collagen fibers that are in the dermis rotate in the direction of the point of stress. As tension increases, the fibers straighten up; think of  how a twisted cord in one of those old- fashioned telephones straightens as it is pulled. If the tension becomes too intense, the large collagen fibers break into tiny strands which then slide apart. The point of this is to disperse the energy of the tension so that it is not concentrated in just one area. This prevents any potential tears in the skin for as long as possible and also prevents any cuts that do happen from spreading. Of course, all of this occurs in a split second and begins the minute the skin feels tension in an area. Wow, our largest organ is pretty amazing!  

How You Can Help Your Skin Stay “Tough” 

Ensuring healthy collagen production as you age is, hands down, the best thing you can do to keep your skin not only looking great, but also to help it protect you when a threat strikes—whether it is a nasty fall, a burn, or simply the need to speed up healing and prevent infection after surgery.  But here is the sad part: experts agree that for most people not focused on living a healthy lifestyle, natural collagen production reduces by 1-2% each year after age 30. (4) 

It doesn’t have to be this way, however. Here are three things you can do NOW to keep collagen levels high as you age: 

#1 Boost your Vitamin C intake. 

Vitamin C is needed for collagen synthesis specifically in the epidermis and dermis levels of the skin. (5) It is also sun protectant and a proven anti-inflammatory. You can up your intake of C internally by going for more C-rich whole foods like kale, parsley, and peppers. 

You can also reap the benefits of more C by using all-natural, non-GMO luxury skincare products like the  CHARLíS Breath of Life Serum. This amazing face elixir contains wild harvested sources of natural vitamin C in the form of essential oil extracts of Citrus Paradisi (grapefruit) and Citrus reticulata (mandarin orange).

#2 Don’t overdo sun exposure. 

Getting a little bit of sunlight on your skin is definitely the best way to get in much-needed vitamin D. That being said, it is important to know when enough is enough. According to a Mt. Sinai School of Medicine study, individuals with sun-damaged skin had 20% less collagen content when compared to those who did not have sun damaged skin. (6) 

And if you have to go out in the sun for longer than 20 minutes, be sure to wear a hat as well as  CHARLíS Neutral Tinted Skin Moisturizer with SPF 25 sun protection. This amazing sunscreen contains zinc oxide as well as vitamin C-rich mugwort extract. It also contains allantoin extracted from the comfrey plant. Allantoin is a phytonutrient that provides deeply soothing relief for even the driest skin types. 

#3 Get your beauty sleep! 

Finally, make sure to get plenty of quality sleep each night. Did you know that sleep deprivation can hinder normal skin function, including lowering collagen production? This is because collagen synthesis is part of normal immunity. Yep, that’s right—immune function plummets too with each night you don’t get the amount of deep shut eye that your whole body, including your skin, needs.  (7) 

For the most rejuvenation, be sure to use  CHARLíS Restorative Anti-Aging Overnight Serum to nourish your skin while you sleep! 

Achieve Beautiful (and Strong) Skin with CHARLíS!

Hopefully from now on when you think of beautiful, healthy skin, you not only see a face (your face!) that is soft, supple, and full of that “rosy, youthful glow” but you also think of skin that contains enough collagen to be “tough enough” to bounce back after any kind of stressor.

The bottom line: you absolutely can have healthy skin and you can look and feel your best every day with CHARLíS. Be sure to check out our luxury Face Collection and Skin Collection now to learn more. 


(1)  Anatomy of the Skin
(2)  The Skinny On Skin: What makes skin so tough?
(3)  On the tear resistance of skin
(4)  Decreased Collagen Production in Chronologically Aged Skin
(5)  Collagen Synthesis
(6)  Collagen alterations in chronically sun-damaged human skin 
(7)  Can poor sleep affect skin integrity?